Monday, April 20, 2009

Hello! It's time to get down!

Hello Friends and Blogger World Peeps!

Sorry I've been absent for a couple of weeks. I've had so many things going on lately. I took on a freelance sewing job for the San Francisco Electric Tour Company. I made patterns and have been cutting and sewing like a mad woman the past couple of weeks! 60 safety vests are the order and they new design is looking great! This company offers tours where you get to ride around on segways! So cool!!!

Also, Easter weekend, I took a short trip down to L.A. I played records at my friend's club in Long Beach Friday night...(get on the) GOOD FOOT! ; got to hang with my friends and family Saturday and then Sat. night went out to Soulside to support my friends and have a chance to shake my tail feather! Shawn, of Wake the Town fame, was guest DJ both Friday and Saturday nights! The weekend was a blast, but way too short!

This week holds a couple of notable events: first off is Tuesday evening HAPPY HOUR with me & my special guest and friend MINI @ TWISTER! Koko Cocktails is so gracious as to host my twice monthly musical journey experience!

Next up, my friend and DJ extraordinnaire, Mr. Ryha is guest DJ @ Monkey Time Wednesday night in SF. In his own words: "Spinning this WED April 22nd at Monkey Time with Sergio at Delerium on 16th near Valencia in San Francisco. A chance to spin 60's soul and 60's in general that I haven't had a chance to spin in years. Jamaican soul too of course."

for more info, check their myspace pages:

Thanks for checking in! I'll see ya again soon!

Monday, April 6, 2009

TWISTER! @ Koko Cocktails in SF Tuesday 4/7 Happy Hour Special!

Come on down for Happy Hour drink specials and some smooth tunes that may just get you in the mood to tap those toes! Twister! is a musical journey through space and time and offers a wide variety of sounds and genres, smoothly pulling the common thread from one to the next. A bit heavy on the Soulful/Funky stuff, but travels into 70s soulful disco, 80s, UK alternative, Indie, Jamaican sounds, including Reggae of course, Brazilian, African, Afro-Latin, etc. etc. This is a 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month happening and I am happy to share the turntables with some really great SF area selectors!!! This week's special guests are Shawn (Upsetter & Wake the Town) and Juanito!!! Hope to see you at Koko's!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Der Phew-er"! ...and other skunky items of interest.


I'm on the email list for Kovel's "Komments", where they offer snippets of info relating to antique and vintage items of interest. The Kovel's also publish many books about antique and vintage items and collectibles. Anyway, todays email included a bit that I found quite amusing! "Der Phew-er"...a cast iron skunk figure with Hitler's head! For a person who made such an impact on the history of the world, it's kinda strange that something so light hearted was created...well, that's my 2 cents anyway.

This is what Kovel's has to say about it:
"During World War II, novelty anti-Axis items were popular. Many represented Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo and sold for less than a dollar. The Johnson Smith & Co. 1944 catalog offered several anti-Hitler items, including a cast-iron skunk figure called "Der Phew-er" ("shows Hitler as he really is"), a Hitler skunk ashtray, a Hotzi-Notzi pincushion (according to the catalog, FDR had one on his desk), and a Hitler squealing pig bank. Johnson Smith Co. is still in business in Bradenton, Florida, and still sells novelty items through its catalogs. Several different Hitler skunk figures were made in cast iron, chalkware, pottery, and plastic. Twin Winton made a ceramic Hitler skunk, Mussolini pig, and Tojo rat. "

For more info on the Johnson Smith Co. :

For more info on Kovel's Komments :

AND...on a lighter and non-historical note, here are a few appreciable items of skunky content that I found while parusing on Etsy.

by BerkleyIllustrations from Portland, OR

A most unique fur coat...yes, it is made from skunk fur! by Flapperflock from Redlands, CA

And the cutest little skunk plushy by LittleBear from Vancouver Island.
